
Coach qualification grants


At the January 2017 Committee Meeting, the YAA Committee reviewed the YAA Coach Qualification Grant Policy. Based on evidence of claims received during 2016 it was agreed that the September 2015 Policy would be amended to issue Coach Qualification Grants during year as they are received, rather than waiting until 31st of January of the following year.

In line with the paragraph from the original May 2014 Policy, but updated in terms of dates, this revised policy will take effect from 1 January 2017 for coaches qualifying at Level 1, Level 2, County Coach and Senior Coach. Applications for grants from coaches qualifying at these levels in the 12 months prior to this date will be accepted. No applications for grants will be accepted for any coach qualification achieved before 1 January 2016.

In future, retrospective applications will be accepted for Coach Qualification Grants from coaches qualifying in the current and previous calendar years only.

The date of course completion will be taken as the date of the issue of the Coach Qualification Certificate.

This policy will be reviewed throughout an accounting year, with a view to not exceeding the maximum budget set by the Committee each year at the January Committee Meeting. If the amount claimed during any year is greater than the budget set, this grant scheme may be withdrawn with immediate effect.

Grant Conditions
As with all YAA grants, all applications will be considered on merit by the YAA Committee, giving due consideration to the state of the association's circumstances and finances at the time of considering the application.

The grant is only available to coaches affiliated to the YAA, either through their club or directly, and who operate as coaches in the YAA area.

The application for a Coach Qualification Grant must be made on the application form below and must be accompanied by a COPY of the Coach Qualification Certificate. The completed application should be sent to the YAA Treasurer at the address given in the form. Applications via e-mail are acceptable, providing a copy of the certificate is attached.

With effect from January 2017 the levels of grant available are:
 Level 1 - £30.00
 Level 2 - £50.00
 County Coach - £75.00
 Senior Coach - £75.00

Application form:
 Application form, January 2022 revision (DOCX)

Gwen Smith
YAA Treasurer

Senior Squad resources

These documents were used by those participating in a Senior Squads programme:
 Developing juniors - the Yorkshire experience (PDF)
 Elements circle (Word)
 Elements of psychology and performance (Word)
 Emotional energy (PDF)
 Exercise physiology (Word)
 Goal setting (Word)
 Goal setting - getting down to the detail (Word)
 Isometric exercises (Word)
 Mental trainer (Powerpoint)
 Periodization (PDF)
 Practicing to compete '05 (Word)
 Walkback tuning worksheet (PDF)
 Weekly programme (PDF)
 Yearly training chart (PDF)

Kath Fitzpatrick
Yorkshire County Coaching Officer
Northern Counties Regional Coaching Officer

Coaching the Bow Hand Position

By Kath Fitzpatrick, Senior Coach

Why is the bow hand position important?
A good bow hand position provides the archer with a firm foundation for developing consistent form. It can:

What are the key points for developing good bow hand position?
Whatever the shape of your bow grip, there are certain principles that apply. The bow hand position and pressure point must be easy to repeat - and the closer any action or position is to a natural body position or movement, the easier it is to repeat. You can test this, and attain a good hand position, very easily.

How do I do this with my bow?

This position puts the centerline of the bow grip on a line from the deepest part of the thumb-finger web to the middle of the hand at the wrist. If you do this, there is space between the outside edge of the hand and the bow. The base of the thumb muscle should rest on the centre-line of the grip. During the draw, the pressure should be taken on the thumb muscle and directly into the wrist, not onto the thumb knuckle.

Relaxing the bow hand
When the string is drawn, the bow presses into the thumb pad. You do not hold the bow. If the hand is properly positioned, it has no tendency to slide in any direction. This allows you keep the hand relaxed throughout the shot. Do not wrap the fingers around the grip area. Remember, there should be space between the outside of the palm and the side of the grip, with the wrist relaxed so that its up-down position on the grip is consistent. Proper bow hand position leaves space between the bow and the palm. Your knuckles almost look like a 45 degree angle away from the grip (see figure 3 above).

The result

A relaxed yet firm bow hand position that is anatomically strong, allowing the bow arm to be firm yet relaxed, providing that stable base for a strong shot and relaxed follow through (see photos above and below).

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